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Friday, May 2, 2014

The end of an assignment, but not the end of the problem

I felt compelled to comment on my journey of creating, writing, researching, and completing this blogging assignment since my intention was once it was graded  - I probably wouldn't write again. Once that thought came in to fruition in my mind, I got extremely sad and disappointed in myself. Haven't I continually said in the assignments that we have had each week that knowledge and awareness are some of the most powerful tools we have when it comes to changing and possibly reversing some of the damage that has been fraught on our environment? How hypocritical of me to start something and once the due date passes drop it! In reality,  other classes will come up. Working will get crazy. Life will go on. Like it always does.....
Once of the reasons I chose a topic such as the Pacific Trash Vortex is because I am a true lover of water. Not only do I live in Florida and visit the beaches often but I am also an Aquatic Coordinator, one of my main jobs is to train people how to be around water safely. The irony that eventually the contamination of the water might be more dangerous than those not knowing how to swim has not surpassed me. But what about looking further than the "human" race? What about those that call the ocean home? Why is it that my thoughts always go to people and how it affects them when in reality it isn't "our" ocean.... the creatures that live in it, it's THEIR ocean.
I've definitely noticed a change in my behavior as my awareness has grown. I am going out of my way to recycle pieces that aren't even mine. I am consuming smarter. Trying to purchase goods that aren't thoroughly processed or with plastic packaging. That's powerful. Remember, one person's actions ARE important. That includes all of you.

Signing off from Florida,
Maggie Cattell

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